Leantime’s User Access Rights Breakdown
Within Leantime there are a variety of access roles that can be assigned to users depending on their company or a specific project. Each level of access rights comes with its own set of available and specific features. In this article, you’ll find all the details you need in one place.
Leantime has six different roles for access rights: Owner, Admin, Company Manager, Editor, Commenter, and Read-Only. An owner has access to all features for a company or project while Read-Only has very limited access. Projects have one more type of user permission called inherit. Assigning a user to have inherit access on a project gives that user the same access on the project as they do in the company. The default setting for users when added to a project is inherit.
Assigning a User Access Role occurs when you add a user to a company or project. Users can have specific levels of access rights for projects they are assigned to that are different than their company access rights.
To add a new user to your company, first ensure your role is Admin or Owner so that you have access to Company and User Management. In the tool bar on the top of the screen, click the company icon, then click User Management.

Click the Add User button in the top left corner, you should see an edit window pop up.

Here you can give the new user a name, fill in their contact information, select the level of access rights, and assign them to a client or project. Don’t forget to click invite user to save the new user. The user will get an email to accept their invitation. From this page you can also click the red trashcan on the right side of the user tile to delete a specific user. To edit an existing users’ access rights you must have owner permissions.
To add a new user to a specific project team, first ensure your permission level is Company Manager or above for the project. Navigate to the Project Settings icon in the bottom left corner of your screen.

Click the team tab at the top of the Project Settings tile. Here you can see which team members are currently assigned to the project. Select the check box next to an existing users’ profile to add them to the project. You can also add a new user by clicking the create user tile in the bottom of the tile.

This will bring up the edit user profile screen for you to fill in their information.

Don’t forget to click the blue save button at the bottom of the Project Settings Team tile to save your changes!
Another way to easily invite team members to your project is from the Project Dashboard page. Navigate to the team tile at the bottom of the Project Dashboard. Click the "Invite User" button and add the new user’s information as usual.

Each Access Rights Role comes with its own specific features and abilities. Here’s a breakdown by level.
An owner has the highest level of permissions and access to all features in Leantime. They can view, create, edit, delete, upload files, or comment on any To-Do’s, Sprints, Milestones, Goals, Docs, Ideas, Reports, Blueprints, Timesheets, Projects, Users, Retrospectives, or Clients. Features specific to the Owner level include the Company Management, Global Timesheets view, All Projects view, All Clients view, and User Management. You can access any of these features by clicking the company icon in the top right corner of the screen.
An owner is the only one who can edit or view the Company Settings.
An admin has all of the same access rights as an owner except for the ability to edit or view the Company Settings.
A Company Manager has ability to view, create, edit, delete, upload files, or comment on any To-Do’s, Sprints, Milestones, Goals, Docs, Ideas, Reports, Blueprints, Timesheets, Projects, or Retrospectives. The main difference for the Company Manager is that they cannot create, edit, or delete company Users or Clients. They can only comment or assign them to a project. As such, there is no User Management option in the Company drop-down menu for a Company Manager. They also do not have the ability to edit the Company Settings.
An Editor can view, create, edit, delete, upload files, or comment on any To-Do’s, Sprints, Milestones, Goals, Docs, Ideas, Reports, Blueprints, Timesheets, or Retrospectives. An Editor will not have a Company icon in their Project tool bar at the top of the screen. They cannot edit the Project or Company settings.
A Commenter can view, upload files, or comment on any To-Do’s, Sprints, Milestones, Goals, Docs, Ideas, Blueprints, Users, or Retrospectives. They have no access to timesheets, client management, project settings, or company settings.
A Commentor can view any To-Do’s, Sprints, Milestones, Goals, Docs, Ideas, Blueprints, Users, or Retrospectives.
The Roles
Leantime has six different roles for access rights: Owner, Admin, Company Manager, Editor, Commenter, and Read-Only. An owner has access to all features for a company or project while Read-Only has very limited access. Projects have one more type of user permission called inherit. Assigning a user to have inherit access on a project gives that user the same access on the project as they do in the company. The default setting for users when added to a project is inherit.
Assigning, Editing, and Managing User Access Rights
Assigning a User Access Role occurs when you add a user to a company or project. Users can have specific levels of access rights for projects they are assigned to that are different than their company access rights.
Company Based User Management
To add a new user to your company, first ensure your role is Admin or Owner so that you have access to Company and User Management. In the tool bar on the top of the screen, click the company icon, then click User Management.

Click the Add User button in the top left corner, you should see an edit window pop up.

Here you can give the new user a name, fill in their contact information, select the level of access rights, and assign them to a client or project. Don’t forget to click invite user to save the new user. The user will get an email to accept their invitation. From this page you can also click the red trashcan on the right side of the user tile to delete a specific user. To edit an existing users’ access rights you must have owner permissions.
Project Based User Management
To add a new user to a specific project team, first ensure your permission level is Company Manager or above for the project. Navigate to the Project Settings icon in the bottom left corner of your screen.

Click the team tab at the top of the Project Settings tile. Here you can see which team members are currently assigned to the project. Select the check box next to an existing users’ profile to add them to the project. You can also add a new user by clicking the create user tile in the bottom of the tile.

This will bring up the edit user profile screen for you to fill in their information.

Don’t forget to click the blue save button at the bottom of the Project Settings Team tile to save your changes!
Another way to easily invite team members to your project is from the Project Dashboard page. Navigate to the team tile at the bottom of the Project Dashboard. Click the "Invite User" button and add the new user’s information as usual.

Individual Access Rights
Each Access Rights Role comes with its own specific features and abilities. Here’s a breakdown by level.
An owner has the highest level of permissions and access to all features in Leantime. They can view, create, edit, delete, upload files, or comment on any To-Do’s, Sprints, Milestones, Goals, Docs, Ideas, Reports, Blueprints, Timesheets, Projects, Users, Retrospectives, or Clients. Features specific to the Owner level include the Company Management, Global Timesheets view, All Projects view, All Clients view, and User Management. You can access any of these features by clicking the company icon in the top right corner of the screen.
An owner is the only one who can edit or view the Company Settings.
An admin has all of the same access rights as an owner except for the ability to edit or view the Company Settings.
Company Manager
A Company Manager has ability to view, create, edit, delete, upload files, or comment on any To-Do’s, Sprints, Milestones, Goals, Docs, Ideas, Reports, Blueprints, Timesheets, Projects, or Retrospectives. The main difference for the Company Manager is that they cannot create, edit, or delete company Users or Clients. They can only comment or assign them to a project. As such, there is no User Management option in the Company drop-down menu for a Company Manager. They also do not have the ability to edit the Company Settings.
An Editor can view, create, edit, delete, upload files, or comment on any To-Do’s, Sprints, Milestones, Goals, Docs, Ideas, Reports, Blueprints, Timesheets, or Retrospectives. An Editor will not have a Company icon in their Project tool bar at the top of the screen. They cannot edit the Project or Company settings.
A Commenter can view, upload files, or comment on any To-Do’s, Sprints, Milestones, Goals, Docs, Ideas, Blueprints, Users, or Retrospectives. They have no access to timesheets, client management, project settings, or company settings.
A Commentor can view any To-Do’s, Sprints, Milestones, Goals, Docs, Ideas, Blueprints, Users, or Retrospectives.
Updated on: 04/12/2024
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