Creating Daily Intentions On the My Work Dashboard In Leantime
Setting Daily Intentions in Leantime is a research backed concept based on Implementation Intentions or If-Then plans. Implementation intentions have been extensively researched as beneficial to neurodivergent minds, other cognitive needs and in supporting general goal achievement.
It helps create an automation, setting up a cue to event trigger that helps the brain to know when to act and what behavior to engage in.
Intentions are now part of your onboarding experience as well.

Leantime structures their if-then statements a little differently so that it works with the tasks that you already have in the system. Selecting the task, you can then note the time frame or time trigger that you will complete the task and then we ask you to take it a step further by allowing you to describe how you will start the work on the activity.
This approach gives you an intentional commitment statement, a time trigger (breakfast, lunch, etc), and then the first steps that you need to take. These items all work together to further enhance the benefits of if-then plans.
You can then plan these out for several days in a row. We highly recommend that users set up their intentions as part of a daily routine the day before. Research has found that individuals who plan for their next day tasks prior to bed fall asleep faster than those who journal or use other tools.

Leantime outlines their If-then statements like in this screenshot showing, “1 day from now, I will work on insert task before when by ”
Selecting before as a drop down will allow you to select additional time markers and the When drop down will allow you to select a time based event.

The last option will ask you to describe exactly how you plan to work on this task in a little more detail. This helps to finalize the exact starting point in your mind so you know the very first step or the broader steps you need to take to get started on this activity.
If you onboarded prior to the release of our Daily Intentions widget, Daily Intentions are only available on the My Work Dashboard. To activate this on your dashboard, you will need to open up your Dashboard Settings and toggle the widget to the on setting.

Sure thing! Here are some links and background on the research.
If-then plans benefit delay of gratification performance in children with and without ADHD — NYU Scholars
Promoting the translation of intentions into action by implementation intentions: behavioral effects and physiological correlates
Implementation Intentions | Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS)
How to Set Intentions to Crush Procrastination
It helps create an automation, setting up a cue to event trigger that helps the brain to know when to act and what behavior to engage in.
Intentions are now part of your onboarding experience as well.
Creating Intentions in Leantime
Leantime structures their if-then statements a little differently so that it works with the tasks that you already have in the system. Selecting the task, you can then note the time frame or time trigger that you will complete the task and then we ask you to take it a step further by allowing you to describe how you will start the work on the activity.
This approach gives you an intentional commitment statement, a time trigger (breakfast, lunch, etc), and then the first steps that you need to take. These items all work together to further enhance the benefits of if-then plans.
You can then plan these out for several days in a row. We highly recommend that users set up their intentions as part of a daily routine the day before. Research has found that individuals who plan for their next day tasks prior to bed fall asleep faster than those who journal or use other tools.
Leantime outlines their If-then statements like in this screenshot showing, “1 day from now, I will work on insert task before when by ”
Selecting before as a drop down will allow you to select additional time markers and the When drop down will allow you to select a time based event.
The last option will ask you to describe exactly how you plan to work on this task in a little more detail. This helps to finalize the exact starting point in your mind so you know the very first step or the broader steps you need to take to get started on this activity.
I’ve already been using Leantime. How do I get the Daily Intentions Widget?
If you onboarded prior to the release of our Daily Intentions widget, Daily Intentions are only available on the My Work Dashboard. To activate this on your dashboard, you will need to open up your Dashboard Settings and toggle the widget to the on setting.
I’m interested in the science of Daily Intentions. Can you share some links?
Sure thing! Here are some links and background on the research.
If-then plans benefit delay of gratification performance in children with and without ADHD — NYU Scholars
Promoting the translation of intentions into action by implementation intentions: behavioral effects and physiological correlates
Implementation Intentions | Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS)
How to Set Intentions to Crush Procrastination
Updated on: 04/12/2024
Thank you!